Money is Made Valuable by Work-Energy

Great Grandpa Beebe
5 min readMar 17, 2021

Zombies are the best word I can come up with for how humans think they are living in a dynamic world full of choices.. When in reality they are not. People are built to observe authority & crave, not brains to eat, but brains to out-think & compete in an overly crowded market place for the ever sot out chance to break free from the constant grind.

Paper. Symbols. Ink. A simple harmless medium of exchange. Money is a good thing in many respects. It’s a direct straight forward way to transfer energy.. work-energy. We judge each other & ourselves on how much value to place on this work. Philosophically, this all works out great! We deem a person’s work to have a certain amount of value & then we can pay them. There’s no way that things can become too unequal because every human has the same 24 hours in a day. Right?

Skill trees are real. We can educate ourselves & practice our skills in our chosen fields. This generally provides a type of work-energy which is more valuable than unskilled work-energy in certain ways. Ultimately we still need everyone. Labor-energy is not easy. Therefore labor-energy is very valuable. Teaching a classroom of children to read is not easy. Therefore teaching-energy is very valuable. Where as starting a popular soda company is pretty much a novelty. Therefore a soda company boss is not as valuable of work-energy. Making public decisions for the community, as a community leader.. those types of things are usually volunteer work done by folks who have already learned the ropes well enough that people trust them to take the reigns. Plus, they usually have already succeed in one or two areas of life so they don’t need the money. Whether that position is valuable or not doesn’t matter. We could literally download an app on our phones & take a vote on issues inside our community. Having a representative is more of a convenience then a job.

Feminism. Is really weird to me.. because it advocates that women’s work-energy is equal to men’s work-energy.. yeah. That’s true. That’s always been the incredibly close partnership. Symbiotic.. or even more so. A woman’s value is immeasurable. A man’s value is identical. Our battle here is not between the sexes themselves.. It is written on the fabric of stereotypes which we base our society on. This is the type of culture & tradition that is most damaging to real flesh & blood people.

Unchecked stories have infiltrated our space. Get out of my personal space STORYBOOK! Or put less nonsensically, we have reached a point where basic fictions are breaking down because of mass information & data gathering. As a flexible collective, humans have devised languages to organize our numbers into productive & intelligent communities, or “Tribes”.. in the sense that every tribe has a story they organize themselves by. The Roman Empire combined religious feelings with science in their story of mythological Gods.

Stories have always been the way to teach the community that it IS, in fact, a community. You identify it with the glue of story. It’s madness really. In essence a community doesn’t even exist without it’s story. In our minds, concrete symbols are recognized as REAL structures because the GROUP is the most important entity. The GROUP is survival. If we are cast out of the GROUP we die. At least, that’s the way it’s been for 100s of 1000s of years. Our biology still thinks in this way. So in a sense, we are still animals clinging to PACK mentality.

Equalizing work-energy is vital to our society going forward. We need to recognize that all people’s hard work is valuable. The story we are crashing with feminism or any of the civil rights activism is that of OWNERS. We don’t actually have OWNERS. There is no “authority”. Value is not what we say it is right now. Our stories are changing to reflect this. Albeit slowly & some times misguided. But even within the short history of television there is obvious reflection happening. Powerful reflections of what our communities value & a reflection of how we express this.

Responsibilities of the Arts rests here. Not only becoming a mirror.. but a mirror with context.. (concave? Lol.) ..a mirror with a caption. A caption which reads our collective anxiety & disgust. How do we envision a world where this unrest is addressed? Humans never evolve quickly. Nature dictates a steady rhythm. If we are to find answers which resonate within the hearts of the collective hu(men) we must first study the earth & the natural world existing here already. All design stems from organic & essential necessity.

As a creative writing friend of mine once told me, “kill your darlings”. While writing fictional narratives, it is inevitable that you will find yourself meeting corky & interesting characters you make up on the fly to fill a specific void, or plot-hole. The problem arises when you stray too far from the theme or main point you are striving to achieve. You end up confusing the reader & you complicate the writing beyond what is really necessary.

Stripped down. Crystal clear messages. Are always extremely difficult to get across. This is because when I say, “Self-responsibility is the most important aspect of work-energy..” Which is true. But then you say. Wait a minute grandpa beebe.. you said that we organize ourselves as collectives. This is also true. But not mutually exclusive right? Self-responsibility is foundational to the collective as a whole. It builds from an individual level. But we are only as strong as our differing advantages & abilities provide. Meaning that, even though it seems like some work-energy is MORE valuable than other people’s work-energy, this really isn’t true.. because without all of us working together, allowing our unique contributions shine, if we miss a critical piece & we’re done.

If we collectively decided, well, teaching isn’t REALLY a valuable thing. Our society doesn’t value teaching. So it must not be valuable right? Let’s get rid of it. We obviously don’t need it. Then we can close all the schools.. the work-energy wasn’t really worth us compensating for.. so we close the schools. What types of effects would that have on society after that point? Currently children can look up any information they are interested in on the internet. We know that children are naturally sponges & that it is generally good practice to present kids with questions they didn’t know, they didn’t know. In education this is the most important question, because these mysterious questions can severely frustrate us when we don’t even know what we are looking for. So maybe teachers are very valuable to society?

Scales. Pyramids. Hierarchy. These have all been built into handy diagrams to show why people’s work-energy is worth what it is worth. And while the world IS NOT fair. And there will always be judgments of value. There does need to be a “killing of our darlings” inside our story that says the work-energy of labor is devalued to the point of 500 to 1 ratio where the OWNERS get 500 & the labor gets 1. Each one of us gets the same 24 hours a day. How much actual work-energy & value can one person really create without the help of their tribe? Without us, that OWNER is worthless.



Great Grandpa Beebe

Organizer of Jubileego Arts & Music Festival, musician, writer, design, futurist, looking for intellectual insights outside of this small town Ohio, & a goof