“Investor Class” Bailed out Wall Street, Now Return the Favor.

Great Grandpa Beebe
4 min readMar 12, 2021

Tax Payers are the Investors

High Frequency Trading

Bots are trading 100s of thousands of trades every blink of the eye. Like a flutter blinking, non-stop blinking eyeball, blinking every 400 microseconds.. gross, right?

We’re on autopilot right now. Trades are happening faster than we can even think about them. We’ve built an economy which largely has an algorithmic pulse. There is an actual rhythm to the financial events which unfold everyday.. billions of times a day. Each nano transaction, happening as fast as light can carry it through the optical cables, is providing cash liquidity to businesses on the market & is making a very select few rich beyond imagining. A technological feat yes. Helpful? Well, at least High Frequency Trading is providing stability to these publicly traded businesses. That’s fantastic. The only question I have is.. Why aren’t the tax payers getting anything for their stabilizing investment of the 2009 Bailouts? Or the 2020 Bailouts? Or all the other loans & incentives which Wall Street receives regularly?

If that sounds ridiculous, look from another angle. After the 2008 & 2020 stock market crashes happened. Whose money was it that bailed them out? Whose money was invested to build these algorithmic robots which bank billions for billionaires & somehow the “investor class” are left out in the cold? The “Investor Class” being Tax Payers.

You may ask, But Grandpa Beebe! The Federal Reserve is providing Quantitative Easing to support our vital market economy! Without which you wouldn’t be on your nice $400 computer typing this amazing essay right now. You’re pretty lucky you live in the home of the brave..

Yes, But. There is one caveat to this line of thought. Who, actually pays taxes to keep institutions open like the Federal Reserve? Not the Wolves of Wall Street. They don’t declare any income & pay minimal fees for dividend gains.

But Grandpa Beebe! The Federal Reserve Bank is a separate entity then the federal government, your taxes don’t keep it open, so where’s your stake to claim our robot money now??

I would say, yes. That is true. But. How messed up IS that?? If the Federal Reserve Bank is not under the jurisdiction of the federal government, than whose government is it under? Not to mention, without the federal government which we pay taxes to, would the Federal Reserve Bank exist at all?? It’s kind of the chicken or the egg scenario, right?

Long story short, why is it that the money going to support our fragile wall street ecosystem, which is obviously being invested in high frequency artificial intelligent/algorithmic trading, creating massive fortunes for the people receiving this money.. why aren’t those dividends going to the people who invested the money?? We invested this money. Via representation. Should we not be receiving huge tax returns based on these mammoth zero percent interest rate loans “WE” are handing out to these banks & hedge funds?? I thought “returns” was what Wall Street was all about?

Not to mention, stock markets are “representations” of our economic productivity.. It’s used as a measurement of sorts to determine the ground level of how much people are buying of what.. & it’s reflective of how much physical output a physical company is able to produce, right? This is where smart investment strategies work from, am I wrong?

For a healthy market to thrive the PEOPLE are directly connected to the valuation of a company. People’s behavior determines the baseline fundamentals of why markets fluctuate on a daily, hourly.. a minute to minute basis.. anymore, it’s the microseconds that matter the most. If people are buying tons of Cheetos this week their stock goes up.. But if people can’t afford their rent, then they probably can’t afford to buy Cheetos either & their stock goes down. This is obviously an oversimplification to make a crude point. But the Market has completely taken on a form that is disembodied with “Reality” & everyone knows it.

With stock buybacks, firing employees, relying on high frequency computer automated trading & I’m sure a myriad of other ways to squeeze the business & artificially inflate your stock price to create quick liquidity within the company, “Reality” has slowly drifted to the way side.

May I also interject that people will literally spend all the money they get, up to a certain point & we are absolutely not at that point. There are millions of people who do not have a savings account at all. Also, we are in debt. Thanks for understanding the plight of the less fortune by paying all the dividends from your robotic algorithm investments to the people who invested in your technology. You can keep what you made so far as a finders fee for discovering the loophole. Now fuck off & go spend your goddamn money.. what the hell are you doing still working?? You won. It’s now time to go figure out your life without pillaging the market anymore. Sorry, life is bigger than your “winning at the money game obsession”. Go find a hobby like yacht jousting. Or learn a musical instrument. I don’t know you. Okay, byee!



Great Grandpa Beebe

Organizer of Jubileego Arts & Music Festival, musician, writer, design, futurist, looking for intellectual insights outside of this small town Ohio, & a goof